Thursday, November 29, 2012

Gotta get up and try.

Ever wonder about what he's doing
How it all turned to lies
Sometimes I think that it's better to never ask why

Where there is desire
There is gonna be a flame
Where there is a flame
Someone's bound to get burned
But just because it burns
Doesn't mean you're gonna die
You've gotta get up and try try try
Gotta get up and try try try
You gotta get up and try try try

Eh, eh, eh

Funny how the heart can be deceiving
More than just a couple times
Why do we fall in love so easy
Even when it's not right

Where there is desire
There is gonna be a flame
Where there is a flame
Someone's bound to get burned
But just because it burns
Doesn't mean you're gonna die
You've gotta get up and try try try
Gotta get up and try try try
You gotta get up and try try try

Ever worried that it might be ruined
And does it make you wanna cry?
When you're out there doing what you're doing
Are you just getting by?
Tell me are you just getting by by by

Where there is desire
There is gonna be a flame
Where there is a flame
Someone's bound to get burned
But just because it burns
Doesn't mean you're gonna die
You've gotta get up and try try try
Gotta get up and try try try
You gotta get up and try try try
Gotta get up and try try try
Gotta get up and try try try
You gotta get up and try try try
Gotta get up and try try try

You gotta get up and try try try
Gotta get up and try try try

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

i say a little prayer for you

Bila sebut pasal jodoh,aku masih terpinga pinga. Masa aku kechik2 dulu, aku selalu pandang langit waktu malam dan berangan panjang siapa jodoh aku, kot2 dia pun pandang langit yg sama kan? choiii* 
tapi aku percaya tuhan telah tetapkan setiap mahkluk ciptaannya dengan jodoh masing2, cuma aku belum tahu siapa jodoh aku..curious. Maybe aku rasa aku dah jumpa, tapi maybe aku silap. Aku mudah suka orang, tapi aku sukar jatuh hati. bila aku dah start jatuh hati, aku susah pulak nak lupakan..

Aaaa where's my boy?

Ya Allah,pleaseee...

Aku bersyukur kerana tuhan telah pinjamkan aku kebahagiaan dengan mengenali insan2 yang datang dan pergi dalam hidup aku, mereka adalah sahabat yang for sure never aku lupa. kot*

Sahabat yang aku kenali hampir 4 tahun dulu, dengar khabar dah nak mengikat pertunangan, Alhamdulillah,
semoga berbahagia disampingnya.
sahabat yang sekarang ni pula..kalau dah ditakdirkan..tak kemana kan, just that take care of her.
A sacrifice isn't anything that possible for someone, it's just fair for everyone. kan?

Bagi aku, jangan mencari atau terhegeh mencari jodoh, biarlah ia datang dengan sendirinya dan mohonla didepan sejadah bukan ditepi jalan ye.. yang penting nawaitu kita,so that the right people who belong in your life insyaAllah will come to you and stay.

Monday, September 24, 2012


Zaman sekarang ni, penuh dengan rona rona kehidupan mewah yang melimpah ruah bagaikan menatang air terjun yang tiada hentinya. bila raya je, atau gathering ramai2..mula lah masing2 mengeluarkan gadjet canggih2 yang harganya mencecah beribuan ringgit. tak kiralah yang tua mahupun muda2 kechik2 baby ni. as seorang manusia, kita haruslah hidup bersederhana dan bersyukur dengan apa yang kita ada, apa yang kita dapat and what we owned, nak dibandingkan dengan negara2 yang populariti hidup di taraf kemiskinan,makan minum pun berebut, pakaian semua kadang2 orang sedekahkan, rasa pilu je hati ni bila melihat.

p/s: saya pun nak main ipad lah mommy!

Monday, September 10, 2012


Do you guys ever heard of macarons?

well, a perfect macaron is a sweet meringue-based confectionery made with egg whites, icing sugar, granulated sugar, almond powder or ground almond, and food colouring.

The macaron is commonly filled with ganache, buttercream or jam filling sandwiched between two cookies.Its name is derived from the Italian word maccarone or maccherone..sound interesting"

my friend had surprisingly bought me macarons from sam patisserie, near melaka raya.
nice packaging by the way..yet since now, i'd never been able to taste the macaroon..uhh i left the sweet macarons in his car :'(

thank you,friend :)

Thursday, September 6, 2012

saling terpesona :)

Pada tarikh 25 August 2012..

Alhamdulillah, kakanda kedua telah selamat diijabkabulkan..
dan alhamdulillah..berkembanglah lagi family baru,ahli keluarga baru..bahagianya..
ouh dan "cousin" baru..macam mana lah boleh bau bau kacang eh eh. perkara yang mencuit hati sampai satu malam aku duduk tersenyum senyum kambing macam kambing pun tak senyum macam tu.
ok bye..

beberapa keping gambar yang boleh dijadikan kenangan.

Thursday, August 9, 2012

Women, yes you!

To my Dearest women out there..especially you.yeah you!

First of all...
Dont too envy me..
Cuz i have nothing to envy of..

Second of all,
Do know me,
As i love to make friends
Except orang gila..

Third of all,
I wont grab your boy.
Cause i know how it felt when someone steals your men,"
Cause i am a woman too..not a girl like..?who?

Thats it, i come in peace..and please stop making things complicated.
Theres nothing between me n him.
We're just friend.
Unless if you want to..